Mission & Vision

“We believe that medical care is a basic human right; that no individual should suffer or die just because he or she is too poor to pay for it.”

The current state of the Nepali health care system needs much improvement to meet the requirements of its people. Even easily preventable diseases such as diarrhoea, malnutrition and acute respiratory infections account for 95% of all under-five mortality and morbidity.
We have been working in Kathmandu since 1957, and we have tried to improve this  situation by providing basic medical care to the poor. We also aim to help improve medical diagnosis and treatment in Nepal. We have also campaigned to increase public awareness on health and sanitation.

We regularly conduct special health camps in both urban poor and rural areas. We try to reach out to people who live without the comforts of basic healthcare and sanitation facilities. To accomplish our ambitious goals, we are dependent upon both public and private support.

Motto :

” Quality affordable quality health care for all, free to the underprivileged only.”